I began my foray in the world of dog rescue, rehabilitation, and training in the spring of 2000 when I found a German Shepherd who had been crushed by multiple cars. His name was Jake, and he is forever in my heart.
Thanks to Jake, I fell head first into where I am today. I began my official work with all of the area city and county shelters through volunteering, which quickly landed me in several rescue groups as an active volunteer and board member.
When my youngest daughter was born, I decided to break away and create The Mannered Mutt Dog Training business. I was well known in dog rescue circles, which became the spring board for my new business which helped me hit the ground running. I’m considered a Rescue Dog Specialist due to my comfort with dogs of various back grounds and stories.
The more I work, the more I realize how much more there is to learn in the behavior sciences. I began seeking further education beyond what other trainers had taught me, and what I had developed on my own. I then graduated from The Animal Behavior College, which got me more interested in the behavioral sciences. Always wanting in furthering my education, in 2019 I received my certification as a Concept Dog Trainer from Pro Dog Trainer, and remain a standing member in Pro Dog Trainer Club, thus continuing my education daily. Additionally, I currently am enrolled in a 3 year Masters Equivalence program in canine behavior with The School of Canine Science. It’s a rigorous and demanding program, but I’m grateful to be able to apply it to my work as I learn more each day.
As a born optimist, I believe all dogs are fully capable of being joyful, loving members of our families. When a dog’s needs are fully met, it is only natural that they would be so. I believe when positive reinforcement is met with fun, patient, repetitive work, miracles can and will happen. I am known for my calm, peaceful demeanor both with animals and people as well as providing excellent and transformative results.
Alec Torres ABC-CDT Pro Dog Trainer